Famous Sights and Museums

Famous Sights and Museums

Italian Language Schools     Scuole d'Italiano per Stranieri     Italienisch-Sprachschulen und Kurse in Italien     Σχολείο Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Μαθήματα στην Ιταλία

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Even kids with no interest in history or art will marvel at all there is to see in Italy. It is amazing how history comes alive when standing next to the massive ruins of the Coliseum or walking the ancient streets of Pompeii or Herculaneum. When history is right in front of you, big as life, learning becomes a byproduct of having fun. A visit to Pisa's Leaning Tower will leave a life long memory on a young child and the green field of the Campo dei Miracoli makes a nice spot for a picnic in view of the tower. The Medieval hill town of San Gimignano ( nicknamed the Manhattan of Tuscany ) with its famous towers is virtually unchanged by time and will delight kids that like castles and forts. Some of the best sights are not even sights at all, but just exploring the piazzas, markets and neighborhoods of Italian cities and towns. In Venice, a family could have an excellent time simply by wandering the narrow streets, window-shopping or taking a ride along the canals.

Little kids are sitting on bench
Little kids are sitting on bench
Some of the real jewels of Italy are its churches, and there are many that the whole family should experience. First on the list is St. Peter's in the Vatican, watch your kid's jaws drop as they realize just how massive the place is. If they are not afraid of heights, take them to the top of the dome to get the best view of Rome. Kids will also like St. Mark's Basilica in Venice, San Vitale in Ravenna and Monreale in Palermo for their golden mosaics of biblical stories. See if your children can "read" the mosaics and explain to them that they helped people learn the bible when most could not understand the priest's Latin mass. For a spooky adventure visit the Christian catacombs of Rome or the mummies in the Capuchin catacombs of Palermo (may keep your kids up that night). Remember that in Italy churches are still active and are not museums so your children should be on their best behavior and keeping their voices low.

While some museums may be too tedious for some kids, there are plenty that will absolutely amaze them. The National Museums in Rome and the Archeological museum of Naples are the best for Roman artifacts while the Egyptian museum in Turin is one of the best outside of Egypt. The numerous torture museums found in Italy offer a bit of macabre fun for the family but the display of spiked chairs, thumbscrews and headman's axes may be too much for young children. However, of all the museums in Italy, the Vatican museum is a must and has something for everyone. The former palace houses Egyptian, Roman, Greek, and Etruscan artifacts along with all the Papal regalia, spacious courtyards and sculpture gardens (good places to take a break) and of course the Sistine Chapel all within the confines of an enormous Palace. See if your children can imagine livening in a house with four thousand rooms! A good idea is to make reservations ahead of time if possible for museum visits to avoid waiting in long lines (such as the Uffizi in Florence), or bring things likes games or books to keep the kids happy while they wait.

Visiting Italy with Children

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