Italian Language Schools and Courses in Pescara

Italian Language Schools and Courses in Pescara

Italian Language Schools     Scuole d'Italiano per Stranieri     Italienisch-Sprachschulen und Kurse in Italien     Σχολείο Ιταλικής Γλώσσας και Μαθήματα στην Ιταλία


Italian language courses for beginners

Our partner schools in Pescara

inlingua School of Languages - School that offers Italian courses for foreigners

Pescara Travel Guide

Pescara is a city in Abruzzo. It is the most populous city of the region, as well as being an active industrial center (metal and mechanics, conciaria, refining of sulfur, petrochemical), agricultural market and port fishing boat.

Province of Pescara Travel Guide

The province of Pescara is a province in the Abruzzo region of Italy.

Schools in Abruzzo

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lists of university offering Italian language in Italy | Many foreign travelers prefer the "picture postcard" beauty of the north, but to travel to Abruzzo and other southern regions is to witness an age-old | che cose il verbo copulativo | initaly